1.) Functional Principal Component Analysis
Let be a centered smooth random function in , with finite second moment . Without loss of generality we assume instead of some arbitrary compact interval and only consider centered functions. If non-centered curves are assume than the curves can be centered by subtracting .
The underlying dependence structure can be characterized by the covariance function and
the corresponding covariance operator
Let denote the ordered eigenvalues of and let be a corresponding system of orthonormal
eigenfunctions (functional principal components) s.t. . The Karhunen-Loeve decomposition states that the random functions can be represented in the form
where the loadings are random variables defined as that satisfy , as well as for . are denoted as functional principal components and the corresponding principal scores.
1.1) Example: Brownian motion
A nice analytical example where we can actually calculate the principal components is the brownian motion. Let be a brownian motion on , then its probability density function is given by . Accordingly and . The covariance function with is then given by
since for , and are independent random variables. Thus and we have to solve the following eigenvalue problem
wich can be rewritten as
. Differentiating once leads to this gives us two boundary conditions given by and . Differentiating again leads to In fact this is the standart example from basic math curses introducing Sturm-Liouville and a solution is given by
Using that with the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition is given by
2.) A Spark implementation
Usually a sample of curves is observed, in addition Spark is not able to handle functions but is only able to process discrete data. To model these issues, let be an i.i.d. sample of smooth curves with continuous covariance function, we assume that each curve in the sample is observed at an equidistant grid . We will thus use empirical approximation of the covariance function is then given by the sample covariance matrix
to derive an estimator for the functional components one will usually rely on an eigenvalue decomposition of . For the Spark implementation, let us focus now on an alternative way to estimate the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition based on the duality relation between row and column space. Let be the dual matrix consisting of entries
The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix are connected to the empirical , and , resulting in replacing the expectation in with the empirical counterpart and the integral in (1) by a rieman sum, by , and
2.1) Test the Algorithm using the Brownian Motion
Let , we simulate a standard Brownian Motion at points with by
Using Donsker’s theorem one can then show that for , converges in distribution to a standard brownian motion . To test the algorithm we sample curves at equidistant timepoints.
2.2) Implementation
As an primary example and to check if our algorithm works the way we intended, we will sample a set of curves from the space of brownian motions. These curves where computed at the master and then be transfered to the spark cluster where the Spark-FPCA is performed. The functional principal components are then transferred back to the master where we compare our estimates with the true functional principal components derived in the previous sections.
#We start with a sample of brownian motions import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import * from pyspark.mllib.linalg import * from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import * from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import CoordinateMatrix, MatrixEntry def spark_FPCA( matrix , L): N = matrix.numRows() T = matrix.numCols() scale =CoordinateMatrix(sc.parallelize(range(N)).map(lambda i: MatrixEntry(i, i, 1./sqrt(T) )), N, N).toBlockMatrix() # Compute the top L singular values and corresponding singular vectors. svd = scale.multiply(matrix).transpose().toIndexedRowMatrix().computeSVD(L) s = svd.s # The singular values are stored in a local dense vector. Va=svd.V.toArray() Vl = list(); for i in range(0, len(Va)): Vl.append( IndexedRow(i, Va[i] )) V=IndexedRowMatrix( sc.parallelize(Vl) ) S=DenseMatrix( L,L, diag(s).flatten().flatten().tolist() ) Si=DenseMatrix( L,L, diag(1./(s)).flatten().flatten().tolist() ) scores=V.multiply(S) components= matrix.transpose().multiply( V.multiply(Si).toBlockMatrix() ) #reduced FPCA decomposition FPCA= components.multiply(scores.toBlockMatrix().transpose() ) return (components, scores, FPCA, s) def reuse_FPCA( matrix , components): N = matrix.numRows() T = matrix.numCols() scaler=CoordinateMatrix(sc.range(N).map(lambda i: MatrixEntry(i, i, 1./T)), N, N).toBlockMatrix() scores=scaler.multiply(matrix).multiply( components ) FPCA= components.multiply(scores.transpose() ) return (components, scores.toIndexedRowMatrix(), FPCA) ##EXAMPLE USING A BROWNIAN MOTION T=10000 N=400 L=2 data = list(); for i in range(0, N): data.append( IndexedRow(i, array( cumsum(random.normal(0,sqrt(true_divide(1,T)),T)) ) ) ) #convert the data to spark sc_data= sc.parallelize( data ) matrix = IndexedRowMatrix(sc_data).toBlockMatrix().cache() result=spark_FPCA(matrix, 3) FPCA=result[2].toLocalMatrix() comp=result[0].toLocalMatrix() scores_old=result[1].rows.collect() #Component plots times=true_divide( arange(0,T),T ) true_comp=list(); for i in range(1, L+1): true_comp.append( sin( (i-0.5)*pi*times) ) for i in range(0,len(true_comp)): plt.plot(times, true_comp[i]) for i in range(1,len(comp.toArray()[1,:])+1): plt.plot(times, 0.7*comp.toArray()[:,(i-1)]) ##I have no idea where the scaling diff comes from... :( plt.show() ##Construct new Brownian motion to reuse principal components data = list(); for i in range(0, N): data.append( IndexedRow(i, array( cumsum(random.normal(0,sqrt(true_divide(1,T)),T)) ) ) ) plt.plot(times, array( cumsum(random.normal(0,sqrt(true_divide(1,T)),T)) ) ) plt.show() #convert the data to spark sc_data= sc.parallelize( data ) matrix2 = IndexedRowMatrix(sc_data).toBlockMatrix().cache() result2=reuse_FPCA(matrix2, result[0]) ##New Scores result2[1].rows.collect()
great work dude!!
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