1. Setup
This Post is about how to speed up the computation kernel density estimators using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Let be be a random sample drawn from an unknown distribution with density
. Remember, the kernel density estimator with bandwidth
is then given by
1.1 Convolution Theorem
In the following we will use the notation from a previous article where the convolution theorem for the Fourier Transform was introduced. Accordingly the discrete version of the convolution theorem is given by: Let and
be two functions defined at evenly spaced points, their convolution is given by:
To speed up the kernel computation we will use a particular feature given by:
1.2 Using DFFT Convolution to estimate 
Since the discrete convolution theorem requires functions observed at evenly spaced points we create a fine grid of length
where we want to evaluate the density.

Following [1], let the discrete Fourier transform of be denoted by
. The Fourier transform of (4) for
is then using convolution and translation given by

1.3 Implementation
To implement the method the fft function that comes with the numpy package was chosen. The numpy fft() function will return the approximation of the DFT from 0 to . Therefore fftshift() is needed to swap the output vector of the fft() right down the middle. So the output of fftshift(fft()) is then from
. The computation using the fft was around 5 times faster.
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import timeit # Simulation N=500 X=np.random.normal(-0,1.5,N) plt.scatter(np.linspace(0,N,N), X, c="blue") plt.xlabel('sample') plt.ylabel('X') plt.show() # Presetting Nout=2**7 def epan_kernel(u,b): u= u/b return max(0, 1./b*3./4*(1-u**2)) # Usual estimation def dens(s, X, h=0.5): return [epan_kernel((s-x)/h,1) for x in X] start = timeit.default_timer() grid = np.linspace(-5, 5, num=Nout) density=[(1./X.size)*sum( dens(y, X) ) for y in grid] plt.plot(grid, density ) stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Time: ', stop - start) # Estimation using FFT start = timeit.default_timer() to = np.linspace(-5, 5, Nout+1) t = grid h=0.5 kernel=[epan_kernel(x/h,1) for x in t] kernel_ft=np.fft.fft(kernel) hist,bins=np.histogram(X, bins=to) density_tmp=kernel_ft.flatten()*np.fft.fft( hist ) denisty_fft=(1./X.size)*np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.ifft(density_tmp).real) plt.plot(t, denisty_fft) stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Time: ', stop - start) print(np.sqrt(sum((density-denisty_fft)**2)))
ISSN = {00359254, 14679876},
URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2347084},
author = {B. W. Silverman},
journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics)},
number = {1},
pages = {93--99},
publisher = {[Wiley, Royal Statistical Society]},
title = {Algorithm AS 176: Kernel Density Estimation Using the Fast Fourier Transform},
volume = {31},
year = {1982}
Pingback: Kernel based Estimators for Multivariate Densities and Functions – The Big Data Blog
Pingback: Kernel Regression using the Fast Fourier Transform – The Big Data Blog
could you give an example for multidimensional kernel in python (for example 2D)
The easiest way to construct multivarite kernels from univariates kernel is by using product kernels (https://www.thebigdatablog.com/kernel-based-estimators-for-multivariate-densities-and-functions/). In particular, concerning your question this means
# g-dimensional product kernel
# u and b are g-dimensinal vectors
for i in range(0,g):
K=K*max(0, 1. / b[i] * 3. / 4 * (1 - u[i] ** 2))
where H=diag(b) is a diagonal matrix.
But you can also think of all kind of other multivariate kernels which are no product kernels.
Thanks for sharing this!
and note that there’s one typo:
epan_kernel(s-x,1) should be epan_kernel((s-x)/h,1)
Hi Nicole,
thank’s for the remark. I’ll fix that.
Thanks for a super helpful post. Just to be fair to the/a standard implementation of the density (requiring T^2 evaluations), I suggest using the following vectorized evaluation of the kernel:
grid = np.linspace(-5, 5, num=Nout)
density = epan_kernel(np.subtract.outer(grid, X), b=0.5).mean(axis=1)
density /= density.sum()
(it’s using an np.subtract.outer to compute the T^2 differences between all points in the grid and the data vector)
This way, the vectorized version is faster than the FFT version with 500 data points on my machine. But asymptotically, FFT will (of course) eventually triumph.
Best, Anders