Guessing Passwords using an LSTM Network
Introduction A while ago I applied NLP strategies to implement an algorithm that is capable to guess a password. Since then a new method called transformer was developed and successfully …
A science blog about my spare time data analysis projects.
Introduction A while ago I applied NLP strategies to implement an algorithm that is capable to guess a password. Since then a new method called transformer was developed and successfully …
1. Kernel Regression using Pyspark In a previous article I presented an implementation of a kernel denisty estimation using pyspark. It is thus not difficult to modify the algorithm to …
1. A Nonparametric Density implementation in Spark One of my previous blog post concerns about nonparametric density estimation. In this post i presented some Matlab code. An advantage of this …
1. Functional Regression Let the covariate be an at least twice continuously differentiable random function defined wlog. on an interval and the corresponding the response. For simplicity we assume centered …
1.) Functional Principal Component Analysis Let be a centered smooth random function in , with finite second moment . Without loss of generality we assume instead of some arbitrary compact …
1. Generalize the Procedure The very simple Educated Guess Procedure is not only very simple, the procedure is also very unrealistic. At most the assumption that are independent and identically …
1. Perform the Analyze To start with, we load the “rockyou.txt.tar.gz” password list using wget. I’m not sure if it is legal to provide a link for the list, therefore …
1. Test the Enviroment 1.1 Simulation of a Brownian Motion The purpose of the first notebook entry is to check if matplotlib is correctly installed. We simulate 20 Brownian Motions …
1. Requirements 2. Install Software In this section we will install some stuff which will make life easier. In constrast to Spark or Hadoop it is only required to install …
1. Requirements We need an SD Card with Lubuntu, Hadoop and Spark installed. 2. Build the Cluster 2.1 Clone the SD Card sudo shutdown 0 of your orangepi and remove …
1. Requirements An Orangepi with Lubuntu running, see this post for further instructions. 2.Install the Components 2.1 Update Java In fact Hadoop is not necessary for Spark. However, we will …
1. Requirements OrangePI PC SD Card (larger than 8GB) 4.0*1.7 Powersuppy or USB Cable and Charger (min. 2A) WLAN Adapter or Ethernet Cable HDMI Cable and Monitor (only for setup) …
1. Introduction This Project is about making an educated guess to derive an unknown password based on hacked password lists (Google: “RockYou”). In this section we will introduce the mathematical …